Rich Butnotfamous 





Rich Butnotfamous is a liar. Don't believe a word he says as his prose tricks you into false thoughts of our exisistence. He dares question what you know of the world, what audacity! He says your own eyes lie, this waffling warbler of woe! A machine gun of misinformation, avoid at all costs. From science to spirit to childhood to explicit to photographs, wasps, words and politics, this explosion of self import only wants your mind to warp. The very devil in his dialogue.

He graduated from D***tington College of Arts in 2012 in Music with Performance Writing having developed a percussive style of acoustic bass guitar.  He tried to 'make it' with a couple of different bands in Bristol but lost the sense of joy in music and made himself ronin. Inspired by the performance poet Hib Word he turned his eye poetry and voice. He joined Amnesty International as a street fundraiser, writing his pitches into poems, where he discovered a function for his work. Since then he has published two paper back poetry anthologies, provides voice over, writes and delivers custom blessings for weddings, funerals and other events and roams the country delivering single servings of poetry to unsuspecting passers by in the street.



Venture into the variety of disciplines derived from word and voice!

Rich Butnotfamous offers a wide selection of services pertaining to oration.

From walkabout to voice over, blessings to workshops, Rich Butnotfamous’s expansive and inventive vocabulary is matched only by the diligence in his diction.

Alongside the compelling ability to scribe to brief, he breathes life into script and poeticises the stories of the betrothed, the plights of those in need in addition to visions for humanity’s evolution.

You can access his own poetic works via the anthologies tab available to read, listen to and download.


Walkabout Wordsmithing

seven video tutorials introducing you to poetry busking

This video is the first in seven detailing as much as I have learned about busking poetry, including Etiquette, Site Awareness, After Care, Self Care and more, I hope with these to provide ideas for others that enable them to take their work to their audience and even earn from it. Click below for more details!

Free poetry!


Click on either title below to read and listen to my first two anthologies:

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